What’s in the Name?

KemNu Inc
2 min readFeb 26, 2021


You might be wondering, what is KemNu? Where did the name come from? Why not something more like Whatsapp or MeetUp? Something that tells you exactly what the app does. Well, we did that, but not in an obvious way.

KemNu means “What’s up new friend?” in Gujarati. Through KemNu, we help new friendships flourish. Using our app every conversation can create a lasting friendship. Every conversation is with a new friend.

You might be wondering, what is KemNu? Where did the name come from? Why not something more like Whatsapp or MeetUp? Something that tells you exactly what the app does. Well, we did that, but not in an obvious way.

KemNu means “What’s up new friend?” in Gujarati. Through KemNu, we help new friendships flourish. Using our app every conversation can create a lasting friendship. Every conversation is with a new friend.

Gujarati is the official language of Gujarat, India where Viraj, KemNu Co-Founder is from. KemNu is personal. It is inclusive. The name is part of us. It’s our culture, our heritage.

As an Indian run tech company in the United States, we aren’t always able to show every side of us. Our culture and heritage are often hard to showcase. Our brand and code tell a story, but not the whole story. We don’t always get to highlight who we are.

Our name allows us to do that. We can show where we are from and who we are. We can stand proud by our heritage. Pay homage to our origins and our families. Even though many won’t pick up on the meaning, our name says something to other people. It shows our individuality and love of community. Whenever people question what it means, it gives us an opportunity to speak about who we are, where we are from.

We never tire of the question. It gives us the opportunity to spark conversation. After all, at the end of the day, that is our mission to spark conversation.

KemNu is an all-in-one platform for college students to engage with one another and to develop long meaningful friendships. Organizations can use the app to improve engagement, host events, fundraise, and track logistics. Download KemNu in the Apple App Store today!

